The spats in my kit are manufactured in 2020. Unfortunately the fit isn’t great and they will need a lot of work.
The lid and the spat don’t follow the same contour:
The right spat doesn’t have a joggle so that the lid sit flush with the spat:
The angle of both flanges of the attachment brackets is not correct:
There is not sufficient clearance around the tire at some locations:
The fit around the gear legs isn’t nice and scratches into the gear leg:
The dimples that should indicate the correct location for the holes to mount the spats are not correct. So the big question is how the spats should be aligned? With the laser I marked the centerline of the fuselage. Next I made a wooden jig to have parallel markings around the spats:
Alignment isn’t great either. When I position the spats so that the space around the gear leg is identical right and left then the spats are not symmetrical with the centerline. To prevent acronymic side affects it’s better to have the spat mounted symmetrical with the centerline but then the room around the gear leg on the rights side is different than on the left side:
A lot of work ahead to fix these issues (déjà vu from the wing tips)…