Hrs: 6

Main landing gear test fit

Test fit of the main landing gear and determine the thickness of the shims.

Surprisingly the installation was easy:

3 of the 4 bolts went in without any issue, one is a tighter fit:

Next was measuring the thickness of the shims. My landing gear is tapered so there is almost a perfect fit at the top holes but up to 2 mm space at the bottom holes:

So just flat shims are not possible, they need to be tapered as well. Not a problem but just a lot of work to machine, especially when machining 4 different thickness shims from stainless steel:

An email was sent to Sling Technical if the main gear could be sanded straight so that flat (non tapered) shims can be used. They would be easier to machine and to assemble because there is no knife edge at the top. To be continued…

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