As mentioned a few days ago; the left outside skin fits but some fixes are required to have a nice fit, this is part 1:
Continue reading “Fixes for outside CF skin 1/3”
Month: May 2023
Doubler for inside front skin angle
One hole of the inside skins and the angle attached to the side rails didn’t align and needed a fix.
Continue reading “Doubler for inside front skin angle”
Install inside front skins / rivet console skins
Riveting of the center console skins and installation of the inside front skins.
Continue reading “Install inside front skins / rivet console skins”
Foam inside front skins
It’s easier to glue the foam to the inside panels before they are installed in the airplane.
Continue reading “Foam inside front skins”
Fixes front inside skins
Since the outside skin doesn’t fit some fixes were required for the front inside skins.
Continue reading “Fixes front inside skins”
Test fit left side skin
Test fitting the left side skin to investigate which corrective actions are needed.
Continue reading “Test fit left side skin”
RF/CF joining skins
Before the CF side skins can be test fitted the joining skins between the CF and RF must be installed.
Continue reading “RF/CF joining skins”
CF outside skins corrosion 2/2
Also the outside of the CF skin had corrosion that needed to be removed.
Continue reading “CF outside skins corrosion 2/2”
CF outside skins corrosion 1/2
Unfortunately the outside CF skins have quite some corrosion which needed to be resolved.
Continue reading “CF outside skins corrosion 1/2”
Thickness wing spars
The construction manual calls for making spacers before riveting the side skins to make sure the wings will fit later. However my wing spars are thicker than expected and don’t fit in the carry through. Continue reading “Thickness wing spars”