Alignment of horizontal stabiliser with self-leveling cross line laser.
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Month: February 2017
Conduit in HS
Mil spec cable in conduit instead of pvc cable for trim servo.
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Alodine trim tab
Because the trim tab is already bent it’s to narrow to spray primer in the inside for corrosion protection. Although I don’t like working with hexavalent chromium, I decided to treat the trim tab with Aluprep 33 and Alodine 1201.
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Elevator parts debur
Deburred the parts of the elevator.
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HS rivet right hand skin
First I made a jig to check the alignment with a level gauge. Then I riveted the right hand skin, the left hand skin has to wait because the conduit for the trim servo cable has not yet arrived.
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HS skins prepare and prime
Prepared the skins for priming and removed the blue plastic on the rivets lines.
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Fiberglass rudder cab removable
Originally the fiberglass rudder cab is riveted but then it’s difficult to connect and change the strobe light. On the VAF forum I found out that some RV builders make the the fiberglass cabs of the wings and rudder removable with nut plates and screws.
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