Hrs: 4

Practice kit 1

This is an easy project to get used to the new tools.

2016-06-12 15.56.06

2016-05-31 22.32.00
Very easy this fan spacer of Cleaveland Tools

2016-06-01 22.24.18

2016-06-01 22.33.12

2016-06-02 18.21.10

2016-06-02 18.23.25

2016-06-03 17.34.15
100 degrees countersink

2016-06-03 17.53.20

2016-06-03 17.56.23

2016-06-03 18.13.32

2016-06-03 18.31.12
Edge rol before dimple!

2016-06-03 20.37.18